Finding a commercially viable alternative to glyphosate in an urban setting

2019-03-27T11:56:39+00:00March 27th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

by Karen Rigby-Faux, Community Liaison Officer, Burleys Burleys, with its Royal Warrant, is a grounds maintenance company that has been in existence for more than 50 years. Burleys’ main clients include local authorities, the police, numerous sports clubs and schools across the South East. These are large contracts which involve maintaining public [...]

Pesticide-Free Towns Campaign gains momentum

2019-03-22T11:54:35+00:00March 22nd, 2019|

The Pesticide-Free Towns movement is gathering pace across the UK as public concern about the use of glyphosate and other pesticides in our parks, playgrounds and streets continues to grow. Not long after the recent news from the London Borough of Croydon, which has ended the use of pesticides in [...]

Managing a city park without pesticides

2019-03-20T08:47:53+00:00March 20th, 2019|Tags: , , |

by Steve Peters, Garden Manager, The Level Park, Brighton The Level Park is situated in the centre of Brighton and is completely pesticide-free. Entrance to The Level Park in Brighton which is managed without the use of pesticides. The park’s complete restoration using Heritage Lottery, Big Lottery Fund [...]

Whalley Rangers love where they live

2019-03-14T15:54:05+00:00March 12th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

by Hélène Rudlin (with contributions from Emily Hirst), Whalley Rangers There is a strong sense of community in Whalley Range; we love our streets, we care about gardening, and there are always activities taking place that contribute to making our environment an even more pleasant place to live, [...]

Insect identification guide for Ethiopian cotton fields

2019-08-28T11:09:58+01:00March 12th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

NEW COTTON RESOURCE One of the principles of Integrated Pest Management is to make maximum use of natural pest control services provided by beneficial insects. Farmers are often unaware of these predatory and parasitic insects and may even spray them, not realising that they can help keep pest levels under [...]

Transitioning from EU to UK pesticide regime threatens to undermine standards

2019-02-22T14:30:03+00:00February 22nd, 2019|

by Josie Cohen (Head of Policy and Campaigns) PAN UK continues to work intensely on Brexit to make sure our pesticide standards aren’t weakened as a result of the UK’s exit from the EU. Over the past two weeks, our focus has been on what are called ‘Statutory Instruments’ (SIs). [...]

Pesticides contributing to a sixth mass extinction

2019-02-15T17:22:20+00:00February 15th, 2019|

It’s not the first time we’ve heard about declining insect numbers in recent years, but last week a global scientific study, the first of its kind, shocked even those working in the field to the core. The study – as outlined in an article published in The Guardian - found [...]

A bad week for glyphosate

2019-01-21T16:51:27+00:00January 21st, 2019|

by Josie Cohen (Head of Policy and Campaigns) Today, Monday 21st January (‘Blue Monday’), is claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. But the agrochemical company Bayer, the world's largest manufacturer of glyphosate-based products, must be desperately hoping that their worst days of 2019 are already behind them. [...]

Supporting sustainable vegetable farming in Ethiopia

2018-12-10T18:21:43+00:00December 10th, 2018|

Supporting healthy, sustainable and productive smallholder vegetable farming: PAN Ethiopia and PAN UK’s new joint project in the Central Rift Valley Excessive use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) on vegetable crops grown for the Ethiopian market in the Lake Ziway area threatens the health of farmers and consumers. It also [...]

Beninese organic farmers reaping rewards

2018-12-10T17:38:56+00:00December 10th, 2018|

An update on our work with cotton farmers in Benin (November 2018) The latest results on our project working with cotton farmers in Benin, West Africa, are extremely positive. Working in collaboration with the Benin Organisation for the Promotion of Organic Farming (OPEPAB), and funded by TRAID and the Big Lottery Fund, we have [...]

Croydon Council to end the use of glyphosate in parks and green spaces

2018-12-05T16:21:34+00:00December 5th, 2018|

Croydon Council has given its citizens an early Christmas present by committing to end the use of the controversial weed killer glyphosate in all of it public parks and green spaces. At a full council meeting on Tuesday 3rd December, in answer to a question from Councillor Nina Degrads, Councillor Stuart [...]

34 Years after the Bhopal disaster: we still need a highly hazardous pesticide ban

2018-12-03T11:46:04+00:00December 3rd, 2018|

December 3rd 2018, is the 34th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster when a gas tank exploded in a Union Carbide pesticide factory in India, killing thousands of people. To date, half a million people have suffered from health consequences linked to that disaster. Elderly survivors of the ‪Bhopal disaster [...]

Pesticide-Free Newcastle campaign is launched

2018-11-06T12:51:47+00:00November 6th, 2018|

John Wilson is a new campaigner who has recently launched a Pesticide-Free Towns campaign in Newcastle. He shares his motivations and campaign progression below: I have been lobbying Newcastle Council to stop using glyphosate-based weed killer for over 15 years. I did this first as an individual and now, for [...]

Citizens for Science in pesticide regulation

2018-10-31T11:19:37+00:00October 31st, 2018|

EUROPEANS JOIN FORCES CALLING FOR A HIGHER LEVEL OF PROTECTION FROM PESTICIDES (31st October 2018) We've joined forces with EU and national civil society organisations including ClientEarth, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Global 2000 (Austria), Generations Futures (France) and Justice Pesticides (France), as a coalition manifesto for “rigorous science, safe [...]

Decision time for UK agriculture

2018-10-29T09:59:37+00:00October 26th, 2018|

by Josie Cohen, Head of Policy & Campaigns (26th October, 2018) The Agriculture Bill currently going through parliament is the first chance the UK has had since 1947 to fundamentally reshape how we grow our food. It offers us the opportunity to usher in a new era of sustainable agriculture which better protects both human health and our natural environment.    From PAN UK’s [...]

Trade Union calls to ban glyphosate

2019-03-08T14:37:28+00:00October 18th, 2018|

(18th October 2018) In September, the GMB Union joined an ever-growing range of voices calling for the UK government to immediately ban glyphosate. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weedkiller which was declared as ‘probably carcinogenic’ by the World Health Organisation in 2015.  As well as being used widely [...]

The rise of organic agriculture in Ethiopia

2018-09-24T10:14:27+01:00September 19th, 2018|Tags: , , |

by Selam Yilma, Communications Officer, PAN Ethiopia (19th September 2018) Pesticide Action Nexus Ethiopia (PAN Ethiopia) has taken on the role of implementing the 'information and communication pillar' of the Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) initiative in Ethiopia. This pillar works to complement the work of other EOA partners through creating increased awareness and knowledge [...]

A day of reckoning for Roundup

2018-08-13T16:32:21+01:00August 13th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

by Keith Tyrell, Director, PAN UK On Friday, 10th August, a jury in California came to a momentous judgement: it agreed with a school groundsman’s claim that his rare form of cancer was caused by exposure to the herbicide known as Roundup. The case has huge implications for glyphosate – the [...]

Latest resources in agroecology

2018-08-09T16:37:16+01:00August 9th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

by Dr Stephanie Williamson, Staff Scientist, PAN UK (9th August 2018) Agroecological approaches to farming are receiving increasing attention, both at international policy level and in some countries’ national programmes. PAN UK’s Agroecology web section gives readers a brief description of agroecology. It also provides case studies in coffee, pineapples [...]

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