Global study shows pesticides are a major contributor to the biodiversity crisis

2025-02-14T14:25:57+00:00February 14th, 2025|

Pesticides are causing overwhelming negative effects on hundreds of species of microorganisms, plants, insects, fish, birds and mammals that they are not intended to harm, and globally their use is a major contributor to the biodiversity crisis. That is the finding of the first study assessing the impacts of pesticides [...]

Garden birds are being poisoned by pet flea treatments

2025-01-27T12:21:37+00:00January 27th, 2025|

A study by the University of Sussex, published in Science of the Total Environment, has found that there is a high prevalence of veterinary drugs in bird nests. They analysed 103 blue and great tit nests sent in by volunteers on the Nesting Neighbour Scheme at the British Trust for [...]

Study finds that amphibians are harmed by glyphosate

2025-01-07T18:26:49+00:00January 7th, 2025|

By Aline Pompermaier & Marilia Hartmann, Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation, Federal University of Fronteira Sul Our recent study published by Scientific Reports has found that glyphosate-based pesticides significantly affect the early life stages of amphibians. Amphibians are experiencing a global population decline, with over a third of species threatened [...]

Cultivating coherent climate action

2024-11-18T15:41:34+00:00November 18th, 2024|

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. Food and agriculture play a major role. This week, the international community is convening in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As extreme weather events threaten lives and economies [...]

These streets are ours…

2024-09-30T16:51:31+01:00October 2nd, 2024|

by Nick Tigg, Lewes Town Councillor Weeds spring up in unlikely places. They flourish in apparently unpromising soil, enthusiastically spreading through the fault lines under our feet. Which is also, coincidentally, how revolutions begin. And up on Lewes’s Nevill Estate in East Sussex, the smallest of revolutions is starting to [...]

Death by a thousand cuts

2024-09-20T19:42:56+01:00September 20th, 2024|

Calling on our new government to undo the damage done to UK pesticide standards As we prepare to head off to Labour Party Conference this weekend, our minds are focused on what actions need to be taken by the new government to reduce pesticide-related harms to both human health and [...]

Pollution including pesticides revealed as the greatest threat to healthy soils

2024-09-16T10:05:01+01:00September 16th, 2024|

by Dr Victoria Burton, Ecologist, Natural History Museum It is widely recognised that human activities are driving global declines in biodiversity through land-use change, climate change, and pollution, including pesticide use. Soil biodiversity - comprising organisms like earthworms, insects, and mites - is crucial for maintaining healthy soils and is [...]

Ban urban pesticides

2024-07-29T14:02:06+01:00July 28th, 2024|

Calling for the UK government to ban the use of pesticides in publicly run areas of our villages, towns and cities.  As part of the Pesticide Collaboration, PAN UK is supporting a new campaign calling on the UK government to ban the use of pesticides in places such as playgrounds, [...]

Proudly Pesticide-Free: Hope for the future

2024-05-01T16:36:34+01:00May 1st, 2024|

The third and final part of Atalo Belay’s reflections on ten years of tackling hazardous pesticide use on smallholder cotton farms in Southern Ethiopia Read the first part ‘The pioneers’ here. Read the second part ‘Hard work pays off’ here. Are we winning? We have now trained more than 8,500 [...]

Proudly Pesticide-Free: The hard work pays off

2024-05-01T16:35:44+01:00May 1st, 2024|

The second of Atalo Belay’s reflections on ten years of tackling hazardous pesticide use on smallholder cotton farms in Southern Ethiopia Read the first part ‘The pioneers’ here. A reason to believe It was difficult to get farmers to believe in the project at first. After years of using pesticides, [...]

Proudly Pesticide-Free: The pioneers

2024-05-01T16:34:21+01:00May 1st, 2024|

The first of Atalo Belay’s (PAN Ethiopia) reflections on ten years of tackling hazardous pesticide use on smallholder cotton farms in Southern Ethiopia The pesticide problem Ethiopia’s Southern Rift Valley was a cotton production area where large volumes of pesticides were being used by both commercial and smallholder cotton farmers. [...]

‘Forever chemicals’ found in UK food

2024-04-11T15:13:46+01:00April 9th, 2024|

New research reveals that many common UK food items contain PFAS pesticides. PAN UK analysed the latest results from the UK government’s residue testing programme, finding that ten different PFAS pesticides were present in spices and a range of fruit and vegetables including grapes, cherries, spinach and tomatoes. Strawberries were [...]

Proudly Pesticide-Free: Part 1

2024-03-05T14:33:50+00:00March 12th, 2024|

This year we are celebrating 10 years since the start of farmer training in our joint project with PAN Ethiopia to get rid of Highly Hazardous Pesticides on cotton farms in Ethiopia’s Southern Rift Valley. We’re kicking off with a video from PAN Ethiopia’s Director, Dr Tadesse Amera, praising the [...]

Stories from the Ground

2024-03-05T09:08:05+00:00March 7th, 2024|

Cotton is the world’s most popular natural fibre, produced by over 24 million cotton growers in 75 countries. Whilst cotton farmers and workers are indispensable to the global fashion industry, they are largely excluded from conversations and stories around sustainability. To understand and transform the fashion and textile industry, we [...]

Take pesticide products off supermarket shelves!

2024-03-03T08:37:08+00:00March 3rd, 2024|

The growing movement calling for supermarkets to stop selling harmful gardening pesticide products continues to make progress with your help. A number of major supermarkets are currently reconsidering their sale of synthetic pesticides so an email from you now could have real impact. Thanks to public pressure, Co-op and [...]

Calling on supermarkets to ban bee-toxic pesticides

2023-07-09T23:17:06+01:00July 9th, 2023|

UK supermarkets have huge global footprints and the power to make change. They urgently need to ban bee-toxic pesticides and support growers around the world to adopt more sustainable, non-chemical alternatives. Our pollinators need us! Join us in asking Asda, Aldi, Co-op, Iceland, Lidl, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Tesco and Waitrose [...]

Toxic chemical cocktails found at over 1,600 river and groundwater sites across England

2023-05-24T11:05:57+01:00May 24th, 2023|

New analysis of official Environment Agency data has revealed the worrying scale of chemical cocktail pollution in rivers and other freshwater sites across England. The research, which looked at the prevalence of give chemical cocktails known to have toxic impacts for wildlife, also highlights the lack of official monitoring for [...]

The climate emergency is devastating Ethiopian farmers

2023-05-24T10:19:08+01:00May 15th, 2023|

by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK Staff Scientist PAN Ethiopia teams meet up for week of training in Arba Minch. Credit PAN UK I recently had the privilege of visiting my hard-working, dedicated colleagues in Ethiopia to find out how our joint projects on growing cotton organically and [...]

UK government allows ‘emergency’ use of banned bee-harming pesticide

2023-01-24T10:34:45+00:00January 24th, 2023|

by Amy Heley, The Pesticide Collaboration The government has announced that for the third year in a row, it will permit the use of the banned pesticide thiamethoxam – a type of neonicotinoid – on sugar beet in England in 2023. A single teaspoon of neonicotinoid is enough to deliver [...]

Chemical pollution – the silent killer of UK rivers

2022-12-20T09:17:22+00:00December 20th, 2022|

By Lauren Harley, Wildfish From the cleaning products we use, to the medicines we take and the food we eat - our everyday lives are filled with chemicals. Their use provides many benefits, but once they have fulfilled their intended purpose, chemicals don’t just disappear. Pesticides, pharmaceuticals and plasticisers (chemicals [...]

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