UK supermarkets take steps to tackle pesticides

2020-02-24T22:34:13+00:00January 20th, 2020|

But there's still a long way to go... By Hannah Conway, Assistant Campaigner, PAN UK In November 2019, we launched a campaign calling on UK supermarkets to do more to protect human health and the environment from pesticides used in their global supply chains. Our top recommendation to all supermarkets [...]

Agroecology threatens the existence of a toxic pesticide industry

2019-05-07T13:08:00+01:00May 7th, 2019|Tags: , |

by Michel Pimbert, Professor of Agroecology and Food Politics at Coventry University Pesticide companies are caught up in a fierce competition for survival. In the current context of global mergers and restructurings, transnational corporations need to continuously increase their sales of synthetic pesticides in every possible corner of the [...]

Supporting sustainable vegetable farming in Ethiopia

2018-12-10T18:21:43+00:00December 10th, 2018|

Supporting healthy, sustainable and productive smallholder vegetable farming: PAN Ethiopia and PAN UK’s new joint project in the Central Rift Valley Excessive use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) on vegetable crops grown for the Ethiopian market in the Lake Ziway area threatens the health of farmers and consumers. It also [...]

34 Years after the Bhopal disaster: we still need a highly hazardous pesticide ban

2018-12-03T11:46:04+00:00December 3rd, 2018|

December 3rd 2018, is the 34th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster when a gas tank exploded in a Union Carbide pesticide factory in India, killing thousands of people. To date, half a million people have suffered from health consequences linked to that disaster. Elderly survivors of the ‪Bhopal disaster [...]

A day of reckoning for Roundup

2018-08-13T16:32:21+01:00August 13th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

by Keith Tyrell, Director, PAN UK On Friday, 10th August, a jury in California came to a momentous judgement: it agreed with a school groundsman’s claim that his rare form of cancer was caused by exposure to the herbicide known as Roundup. The case has huge implications for glyphosate – the [...]

Latest resources in agroecology

2018-08-09T16:37:16+01:00August 9th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

by Dr Stephanie Williamson, Staff Scientist, PAN UK (9th August 2018) Agroecological approaches to farming are receiving increasing attention, both at international policy level and in some countries’ national programmes. PAN UK’s Agroecology web section gives readers a brief description of agroecology. It also provides case studies in coffee, pineapples [...]

Recuperation of soil fertility

2018-08-03T13:53:30+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

by Jorge Solano, Technical Dept., Eurofertil S.A., Costa Rica (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Key messages: With increasingly degraded, acidic and eroded soils, biological factors, as well as the usual [...]

Organic inputs for productive coffee in a changing climate (Case Study Honduras)

2018-08-03T13:46:08+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

by Renan Bajurto, Ecological Coffee Cooperative 'La Labor' (COCAFELOL) (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Key messages: Each farm is a different world- it’s important not only to train farmers but [...]

Making use of nature’s own resources (Case Study Guatemala)

2018-08-03T12:17:24+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

by Antonio Alberto Tzep Lopez and Diego Chox Dix, Cooperative Nahuala (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Key messages: Using natural ingredients instead of synthetic agrochemical inputs can give good results [...]

Experiences in sustainable coffee farming in Costa Rica (Case Study)

2018-08-03T11:59:13+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , |

by Juan R. Montero Gamboa & Ing. Gabriel Umana AEA León Cortés, Monsol Sustainable Farm, Los Santos Zone, Costa Rica (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Shade management at Monsol [...]

Beauveria biopesticides as part of IPM for Coffee Berry Borer (Case Study)

2018-08-03T11:34:18+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , |

by Edwar Vasquez Vallecillo, SMS Sustainable Management Services, Exportadora Atlantic & Elmer Sarantes Cáceres, Cooperative Santiago, Jinotega Dept, Nicaragua (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Key messages: Good IPM strategies for [...]

Risks of inappropriate use of glyphosate in coffee groves

2018-08-03T10:43:02+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , , |

by Dr Primo Chavarria, Weed Scientist, Costa Rica (This post is part of a summary of presentations prepared by Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, from the Coffee without HHPs workshop in Costa Rica, April 2017) Key messages: Avoid excessive or inappropriate use of glyphosate and other herbicides. Spraying several times [...]

Alternatives to glyphosate in weed management – New edition 11th July 2018

2018-07-12T16:54:59+01:00July 12th, 2018|Tags: , , |

PAN Europe has published an updated edition of its report on alternatives to glyphosate as a contribution to the ongoing discussions among some Member States, led by France, on phasing out glyphosate and promoting alternatives. On the fringe of next week’s gathering of the EU agricultural ministers (Tuesday, 16 July), France will [...]

Working to reduce global suicide by pesticide ingestion

2018-07-11T12:13:01+01:00July 11th, 2018|

by Prof Michael Eddleston and Dr Leah Utyasheva Highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) not only harm our health and environment and pollute our food and water.1 They also cause over 150,000 suicide deaths globally each year. Out of the 800 000 individuals who die from suicide worldwide each year - one death every [...]

A win for all pollinators

2018-05-02T16:36:31+01:00April 27th, 2018|

Great result for pollinators as ban on bee-toxic pesticides made permanent Today’s news that the European Commission has extended – and made permanent – the existing ban on three bee-toxic neonicotinoids is warmly welcomed by Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK). After spending more than a decade warning of the [...]

One step closer to ban on three bee-toxic pesticides

2018-05-03T10:22:31+01:00February 28th, 2018|

Today (Wednesday 28th February) the European Food Standards Authority (EFSA) has published its reviews of the scientific evidence on neonicotinoids and the harm they do to bees. Their reviews of approximately 1000 scientific papers has led them to conclude that the three neonicotinoids - clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam - all [...]

Glyphosate: A victory for corporate lobbying, not science

2018-05-02T16:48:54+01:00January 10th, 2018|

by Josie Cohen, Head of Policy and Campaigns (January 2018)  In November 2017, EU member States narrowly voted for a five-year reauthorisation of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used weedkiller. While this is far from the fifteen-year license the agrochemical industry was pushing for, the result was a major disappointment [...]

PAN joins 80 NGOs demanding a full ban on neonicotinoids

2018-05-02T16:53:17+01:00December 5th, 2017|

In December 2013, the European Commission restricted the use of three highly bee-toxic neonicotinoid insecticides, namely imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam. On the 4th anniversary of the partial ban on these substances, new scientific knowledge confirms that these restrictions do not go far enough. Therefore, more than 80 EU NGOs are gathering [...]

Glyphosate renewed for a further five years

2018-05-02T16:56:32+01:00October 24th, 2017|

Update - 27th November - Glyphosate license renewed for a further five years PAN UK is disappointed to report that the controversial weed killer, glyphosate, has been given approval for use in the EU for a further five years. What is even more disappointing is that the new approval comes [...]

Is cotton conquering its chemical addiction?

2018-06-26T11:38:39+01:00October 10th, 2017|

A review of pesticide use in global cotton production - 10th October 2017 (PLEASE FIND OUR REVISED ISSUE FOR JUNE 2018 HERE) A new report published today by PAN UK, with support from the C&A Foundation, investigates the current rate of pesticide use in cotton, and examines its trends [...]

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