Recent data suggests that pesticide use is actually increasing in the UK. While the weight of pesticide amounts has decreased, the toxicity (how powerful a pesticide is) has increased. Since 1990, the exposure of the UK public and environment to pesticides has increased in the following ways:

  1. The toxicity of pesticides has increased over time so that less chemical is required to do the same job. As an example, some of the newer neonicotinoid insecticides are 10,000 times more toxic than the most notorious insecticide in history, DDT.
  2. The area of land being treated with pesticides has risen.
  3. The number of times crops are treated with pesticides has gone up.

Read more in our report on the Hidden Rise of UK Pesticide Use.

If you are concerned about pesticide-spraying in your local area, consider joining the Pesticide-Free Towns campaign!