An ectoparaciticide is an antiparasitic drug (usually a ‘spot-on’ treatment) used to kill parasites that live on the body’s surface (such as ticks and fleas). In the UK, there are 676 ectoparaciticide products approved for use in veterinary medicines for dogs and cats. Of this total, 523 products (77%) contain one or more of the five active substances listed above.

An endectocide is an antiparasitic drug (usually in tablet form) used to kill parasites that live both inside the body (such as worms) and on the body’s surface (such as fleas). In the UK, there are 218 endectocide products approved for use in veterinary medicines for dogs and cats. Of this total, 58 products (26.6%) contain the neonicotinoid imidacloprid and/or fipronil, which are two of the active substances listed in the table above. None of the other three active substance listed above are included in any endectocides approved for use as a medicine on dogs and cats in the UK.